Taking Oncology Nursing to the Next Level

Extraordinary Healer®Extraordinary Healer® Vol. 15
Volume 15

A patient with multiple myeloma nominates a nurse who is the welcoming face patients sometimes need when going for doctor’s visits.

I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma in September 2020 and was referred to Maryland Oncology Hematology in Maryland. Needless to say, my life has changed. Dr. Hudhud started me on a treatment plan which is having a positive impact and I'm so grateful. Thank you, Dr. Hudhud.

My visits to his office range from two to three times a week, and I must say, every staff member from the receptionist to the nurses have been kind and always helpful. This is so important as you can imagine one's mental and physical wellbeing affected by their disease. A supportive staff's role certainly has an impact on the patient.

One nurse in particular takes it to the next level. Glee McGinley, RN, is one of those nurses that always greets you with a warm, friendly smile. And yes, you can see the smile through the mask. She truly cares about your progress and asks you about your week or day. She keeps you informed of your treatment and explains any question that arises in layman’s terms. Sometimes the practice is busy and bustling with patients, and Glee is always calm, treats every patient with respect and true professionalism, and gives them the attention they sometime seek.

During one of my visits I witnessed an elderly patient who became confused and worried about her next scheduled appointment. Apparently, this lady wasn't sure when to come back and was genuinely upset. It was one of those busy days. Glee could have easily referred her to the receptionist, but instead took a minute to assist her by printing out her week's appointments and going over it with her. You could see the relief in this lady’s face.

Glee's quick in learning names, which leads to one feeling welcome and not just another somebody waiting for treatment. Glee exhibits those traits that are so important to the care and comfort of the patient. She is compassionate, friendly, understanding and always willing to assist. This is one health professional that we need more of in the world. Glee is a remarkable individual, and your practice and patients are blessed to have her.

Thank you for considering Glee as an Extraordinary Healer®.

Editor’s Note: This is an essay submitted by Paul Kukucka for the 2021 Extraordinary Healer Award. Click here to read more about CURE®’s Extraordinary Healer® Award for Oncology Nursing event on April 30, 2021.

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