
Jackie Topol, M.S., RD


Warm Up With Fall Recipes

The new season calls for a new set of nutrient-rich recipes — ones with the perfect blend of fresh vegetables and hearty flavors.

Rachel Wong, RDN, CSO, LDN


6 Cancer-Friendly, Super Food Recipes for Super Bowl Parties

Patients with cancer, their friends and families can enjoy these guilt-free recipes when sitting down to watch the Los Angeles Rams and Cincinnati Bengals go toe-to-toe during Super Bowl 56 on Sunday.

Amanda Badal


Why Oncology Nurses Are Adored By All

Oncology nurses are the backbone of cancer care, and here's why they are cherished by patients and fellow nurses alike.

Marcus Yoakam, B.S.N., RN, ONS


My Magnificent 'Mom' at the Cancer Center

"Kristen Mitchell, A.D.N., or 'Mom,' as I affectionately call her, is the epitome of what every oncology nurse should strive to be."

Eric Davis


'Smell the Rain,' and Make Yourself Smile Despite Cancer

A poem about cancer written by a man who subsequently died of the disease explores the idea of finding the small joys in life despite the pain of cancer and treatment.

Trey Kennedy


One Myeloma Hero Helps Others While Helping Herself

At 77 years young, Dr. Huntimerhas been dealing with the cancer world via her own battles with tumors and treatments since she was 22 years old.

Jonathan Colemere


Channeling Anger Into Advocacy After a Breast Cancer Diagnosis

A colleague explains how one woman transformed the devastation of her breast cancer diagnosis into a “war strategy” of advocacy, starting at her kitchen table.

Ashling Wahner


Conjugated Equine Estrogen Increases Gynecologic Cancer Death Rates

Postmenopausal patients with ovarian or endometrial cancer who received conjugated equine estrogen may have increased mortality rates.

Liz McSpadden


Hot Weather, Hot Flashes, Hot Mess: Dealing With Cancer-Related Hot Flashes in the Summer Months

I used to love spending time outdoors during the warm weather, but when I started getting hot flashes after my cancer-related oophorectomy, enjoying hot days got a bit trickier.

Charlie Kalogeros-Chattan


Find Me Now a Safe Place from Cancer

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer in July 2022, I of course turned to my art.



How a Nutritious Diet May Help During Myeloma Treatment

Maintaining a healthy diet during treatment may help combat side effects.

Nicholas Wrigley


Promacta Improves Platelet Count, Transfusion Independence in MDS

Promacta tended to boost platelet counts in patients with low-risk MDS, and helped those patients be independent of transfusions, too.

James Danaher


Living Life Between Cancer Appointments

When cancer entered our life, fear was a constant. However, we tried to live as joyously as possible between check-ups.

Phillip Belfiori


Attitudes With Latitude About My Cancer

Even though I lost my hair from cancer treatment, I didn't let that stop me from styling my hair with attitude.

Caroline Johnson


Life Lessons of a Young Cancer Widow

Cancer robbed our family of more time with my husband. In the years since his death, this is what I’ve learned on grieving, life, dating and the fear of letting go.

Sharon Ward


Lifting Weight Off of Patients’ Shoulders

Three different people describe similar experiences with someone who stands alongside them during their journeys.

Lynn Belzer


When My Wait and Watch Routine for Follicular Lymphoma Ended

I reflected upon my last great trip with my husband and the moment my wait and watch approach ended for my follicular lymphoma.

Allegra Jones, M.S.N., RN, CA-SANE


An Oncology Nurse Who Provides for Others

Linda Giamalva, B.S.N., RN-BC, NC IV, provides excellent care to all her patients and goes above and beyond to meet their needs.

Morgan Bayer


Padcev Improves Outcomes for Cisplatin-Ineligible Bladder Cancer

For patients with cisplatin-ineligible bladder cancer, presurgical Padcev decreased the cancer stage without leading to delays in surgery.

Paul Gilbert


Thriving With Cancer

I transformed my mindset to maximize healing before, during and after prostate cancer treatment.

Gretchen E. Vaughan


Kidney Cancer Nurse Is an Icon in Her Field

Laura Wood, M.S.N., RN, OCN, has "skill, dedication, boundless compassion and drive to improve the lives of those affected by kidney cancer."

Rick Siefke


10 Helpful Tips for Cancer Caregivers

A retired oncology social worker shares some helpful tips for being a supportive caregiver while also maintaining your own well-being. “Caregiving is compassion in action,” he writes.

Moriah Moore


Fighting Hard for Patients with Fibrolamellar Carcinoma

As a hard-working mom and administrator, one nurse shows her passion and fight to get the best care for patients with fibrolamellar carcinoma.

Jonathan Little


‘Scanxiety’ Can Make Cancer Survivors Irrational and Irritable

A penile cancer survivor recalls how he can become irrational and lash out at his loved ones during the days leading up to his next scans. His wish: To be normal again.

Kentisha Mazeke


My Cancer Advocacy Keeps My Mom’s Legacy Alive

After my mom died of colon cancer, I became an advocate with the hopes that fewer people would be lost to the disease.

Camille Usher, NP


Educating Patients and Teams to Reduce Anxiousness During Cancer Treatment

A radiation oncology nurse takes the time to educate both patients and her clinical team to better manage side effects during therapy.

Leona Downey


How Yoga Helped Me in My Post Breast Cancer Treatment Journey

A former oncologist discusses how yoga became a vital part of her recovery after a surprise breast cancer diagnosis.