
Leona Downey


How Yoga Helped Me in My Post Breast Cancer Treatment Journey

A former oncologist discusses how yoga became a vital part of her recovery after a surprise breast cancer diagnosis.

Kathryn E. Vinson, MS, CCRC


Causes of Thyroid Cancer

New research sheds lights on the causes of thyroid cancer, overdiagnosis of PTC

June Burke


When an Unexpected Cancer Association Leads to a Lifelong Connection

A lung cancer survivor explains how a serendipitous friendship with her stepson’s girlfriend’s aunt changed her life.

Kyle Doherty


Perioperative Chemo Shows Longer Survival in Esophageal Cancer

Perioperative chemotherapy with chemotherapy led to improved survival outcomes versus neoadjuvant chemoradiation in resectable esophageal cancer.

Christina Flandera


Living With Breast Cancer

After receiving a diagnosis of breast cancer, I received so much support from my family, friends and others.

Emily Campbell, M.S.


One-of-a-Kind Cancer Care Across 1,000 Miles

While one woman always assumed her aunt Judy provided excellent cancer care, she learned it firsthand upon her own diagnosis.

Geri Maroney


The Emotional Trauma of Breast Cancer: ‘Can Anybody Hear Me?’

A breast cancer survivor explains that many people deal with long-term emotional trauma as a result of their cancer experience and argues that more should be done to address it.

Lisa O’Neill Hill


A Champion for Expanding Access to Lung Cancer Breakthroughs

A colleague describes Dr. Edward S. Kim’s devotion to improving lung cancer care and creating more inclusive clinical trial practices.

Shari Mycek


Novel 4-Drug Combo Significantly Improves Treatment Responses in Group of Patients with Breast Cancer

Treatment with pyrotinib and the chemotherapies trastuzumab, docetaxel and carboplatin significantly improved response rates over the triplet chemotherapy regimen alone in the neoadjuvant treatment of patients with HER2-positive breast cancer.

Linda Cohen


Can Laughter Help Me Through Cancer?

I've found that making time for a good laugh each day helped break through the looming thought of cancer.

Deborah Harbadin


Facing My Mortality from Cancer Made Me Grateful for Loved Ones

Twenty-five years ago, I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, which sparked fears of leaving my loved ones behind.

Annamarie Kealy


My Myeloma Hero Is JP Strong

Initially, we used my husband's diagnosis to show our support as we navigated this journey and joined a new “club” we really didn’t want to be a part of.

JoAnn Silcox, M.S.N., RN, CCCTM


Conquering Hurdles in Oncology

An oncology nurse strives to educate patients and providers to ensure safe cancer treatment.

Clare Olivares


When Cancer Knocks on My Door

When triple-negative breast cancer showed up at my door, I did what I could to prepare for the visit.

Linda Ryan


Myths Around Cervical Cancer

The panel concludes their discussion with a conversation about the myths surrounding the treatment of cervical cancer.

William H. Greene, PhD


Myeloma Heroes Come in Many Forms

I find myself enormously inadequate to fully explain why I think this lady, my wife, should be selected as a Multiple Myeloma Hero, but whether she is or not, she is my hero.

Cancer Horizons


What is Lymphoma

What is Lymphoma - Lymphoma refers to a deadly cancer of your lymphatic system, including the spleen, glands, bone marrow, and lymph nodes (lymph glands).

Michelle Beck


Taking My Life Back After Two Bouts of Breast Cancer

I experienced two separate breast cancer diagnoses, and the aromatase inhibitors I was prescribed drastically decreased my quality of life. Then, I found a way out.

Rosaleen Holmes


My Mastectomy Results Were Not What I Expected

Choosing to get a mastectomy was a difficult decision to make, but then the pathology results came back indicating a second cancer.

Sue Hager


Health Care Costs Should Not Compromise Cancer Care

The cost of cancer care is often an insurmountable challenge for many patients, in particular patients with lung cancer. Many of whom will die because they cannot afford treatment. Health care costs must not compromise care.

Krista Genevieve Farris


Push Down, Turn: Phases of Treatment for Cancer

A woman writes about the feeling of ambivalence that comes with each milestone in the treatment journey for her breast cancer.

Shakay J. Kizirian , MSW, LCSW


How an Oncology Social Worker Answers the Question, ‘Why Do You Do What You Do?’

An oncology social worker, who is also a cancer survivor, describes life lessons learned through work and personal experiences.

Bethany Webb


Incredible Hero Without A Cape

"Although Carolyn loved her role as a navigator, she realized she could help patients with lung cancer with a screening program to help with earlier detection."

Diana Keen


Beacons of Light, Hope and Community for Patients With Metastatic Breast Cancer

A metastatic breast cancer survivor explains why it’s so important to find other cancer survivors to walk alongside.

Robert Trebor


Reflection on Life 10 Years After Stem Cell Transplant

A decade ago, I was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia and underwent aggressive chemotherapy and an allogenic stem cell transplant. Though I still have complications related to my cancer, I’m thankful for what I still have.

Kelly May Harris


Cure Pediatric Cancer

Curing childhood cancer, any kind, is no place to be divided.

Andy Robertson


A Lung Cancer Survivor, Fighter and Advocate

Simply put, Jan Poulsen is an inspiration to those diagnosed with lung cancer, a friend writes.

Linda Dziobek, B.A., RN


Extraordinary Oncology Nurse, Extraordinary Person

Donna MacDonald, B.S.N., RN, OCN, CCM, goes beyond her duties as a nurse to advocate and support her patients.