Here Are Some Good Habits Cancer Survivors, Patients Say They Picked Up After Their Diagnosis


CURE® surveyed its audience to see what good habits they have picked up since being diagnosed with cancer. Here’s what they had to say.

After receiving a cancer diagnosis, many patients report experiencing significant changes in their behavior and mindset.

In fact, a 20-year breast cancer survivor recently wrote about how before her diagnosis, her only goal in life was for her son to turn 16 so he could drive her to and from local bars. But, once she received her diagnosis, she wrote how she decided it was time to turn her life around.

Recently, CURE® surveyed its audience to see what good habits they have picked up since being diagnosed with cancer. Here are some of the habits they picked up.

Recently, CURE® surveyed its audience to see what good habits they have picked up since being diagnosed with cancer. Here are some of the habits they picked up.

To learn more about what other good habits patients with cancer and cancer survivors picked up after their diagnosis, CURE® asked its audience on social media.

In our weekly #CureConnect question, we asked, “What good habits have you picked up since being diagnosed with cancer?How have those good habits affected your cancer journey?”

Lifestyle Modifications

“Have a dietitian, receive acupuncture, and became a registered yoga teacher.” – CURE® contributor Tamera Anderson-Hanna, a breast cancer survivor

“Walk daily to keep moving, work in my garden which is my therapy.” – Debbie Herman

“Yoga. Meditation.” – Kathi Durst Hansen, a breast cancer survivor

Gratitude, Grace and Faith

“Being able to find the positive in every day.” – Carolyn Koncal Breinich, a childhood cancer survivor

“Remain positive and I don’t take life for granted. I’m here on purpose and so are you.” –Jasmine Pettross, a stage 3 colorectal cancer survivor

“I learned to thank doctors and nurses that did a great job and how much I see and appreciate their extra effort. I have seen this light up many tired eyes during covid, or even just in the day-to-day of working in something as emotionally draining as oncology. I’ve carried this over to telling all the various working people I encounter who are doing a good job that I see and appreciate it.” – Gina Mancini Horan, a patient with stage 4 lung cancer.

Read more about Mancini’s story of “running away” from hospice care here.

“Try to focus on the many blessing in my life and remembering that every day is a gift. On the tough days I try to give myself grace and get the extra rest.” –Della Mitchell

“Have faith, think positively and be grateful for the blessings I do have. When negativity steps in especially during scans, or oncology visits I ask God to please make those anxieties go away and I try to focus on my family and grandsons. Isn't always easy but we all are a work in progress.” – Debbie Herman

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