


Jim McCrossin

Jim McCrossin

Appreciation for Finding a Cure

August 18, 2022

Sole 2 Soul for MPN™, what would we do without your support? Congrats to you and my comrades who helped raise over $47,000 for MPN research! I, and I am sure the MPN Research Foundation, thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Unfortunately, I was unable to make the trek in Waterton Alberta, Canada. My hemoglobin had been falling for the past four months and, at my last check-up, it reached a low of 8.3. At this level, I was unable to walk up the stairs without gasping for air when reaching the top. Not a good recipe for mountain climbing. I am told this could be a temporary side effect of Jakafi (ruxolitinib), which will reverse. Unfortunately, it did not reverse on time for this hike and a transfusion was recommended. On Tuesday, Aug. 2, I received a blood transfusion. My hope and plan was that I would be good to go after 24 to 48 hours. Well, you know what they say about “best laid plans.”After six days, I finally began feeling like myself again. On Aug. 11, my blood was studied again at the Cleveland Clinic and my hemoglobin rose to a three-month high of 10.1. I am feeling good!

To all of you who provided financial support, I thank you so much! You are literally changing lives!

To all of you who carried out the task of hiking the Mountains of Waterton, I love you for making me feel like a member of the team and not left behind.

To the very capable guides, thank you for keeping my wife and my new family safe!

To the photographers (professional and amateur), thank you for your amazing photos and videos. They made me feel like I was right there with you.

To Sole 2 Soul for MPN™ and the MPN Research Foundation, what more can I say? From start to finish, everything was first class! I am SO looking forward to next year’s adventure/fundraiser! It is because of you that I am alive today. The information you provide and the research you fund for individuals like myself are a God send.

Being diagnosed with myelofibrosis was a real gut shot. Being introduced to the MPN network has provided me with hope. I told my doctor at the Cleveland Clinic, Dr. Aaron Gerds, that I am going to do everything I can to help him prolong my life. Sole 2 Soul for MPN™ has provided me the opportunity to help raise funds to support the research, which will do just that and ultimately to find a cure!

Make a donation today and join us in supporting and uplifting those who are directly affected by MPN blood cancer.