Blood Cancer Awareness Month: What You Need to Know


For Blood Cancer Awareness Month, here’s a round-up of the latest news and updates in this disease space.

For Blood Cancer Awareness Month, here’s a round-up of the latest news and updates in this disease space:

  1. Stem cell transplantation has been used to treat patients with different types of blood cancers, such as leukemia, lymphoma and multiple myeloma. Learn more about the basics of stem cell transplantation here.
  2. Certain oncology treatments can raise the risk of developing yet another cancer. In this feature from our latest Hematology Special Issue, we take a closer look at what it’s like living with a secondary blood cancer.
  3. Given their recent presence in the news, a lymphoma expert discusses implant removal, reconstruction and the signs of breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma.
  4. After learning to walk again following a life-changing multiple myeloma diagnosis, Richard Bell tells us about how he took on Mount Washington as a part of CURE’s Moving Mountains for Multiple Myeloma program.
  5. Following its announcement of covering CAR-T cell therapy nationwide, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has now made this highly-priced, but life-saving, treatment available to many who would not otherwise have access to it at their cancer centers.
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