SABCS: Debu Tripathy Discusses Immunotherapy in Breast Cancer


Debu Tripathy, editor-in-chief of CURE magazine, recaps the first day of the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium - namely the advances in treating breast cancer with immunotherapy.

Debu Tripathy, editor-in-chief of CURE magazine, recaps the first day of the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium - namely the advances in treating breast cancer with immunotherapy.

Several studies were presented that examined how immunotherapy, such as Keytruda (pembrolizumab) in triple-negative breast cancer, could provide benefit to different groups of patients.

"We look forward to the field of immunology much more and expect to see more progress, although it's not going to be dramatic, one big fell swoop at a time," he says. "We're going to make step-wise improvements in this area as we learn more about the immunology pathways as they pertain to breast cancer."

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