Mount Fuji2017


Mount Fuji

Jeff Monsein

More Than Climbing Mountains: The Emotional Side of Fundraising

July 20, 2017

As I have spent the past few days exploring Japan with my family, a few thoughts have crossed my mind. I am grateful to have this opportunity, not only to climb Mount Fuji with the Moving Mountains team, but to spend time (a trip we have planned on our own) with my wife and two of my children before the hike begins. A few years ago, this is not something I thought would be possible. To be quite frank, we all did not foresee much of a future with my initial diagnosis. That’s what happens when you think you only have several years to live. The work of the MMRF is going to help give other patients future experiences with my family and friends.

When Rachel and I agreed to fundraise for Moving Mountains, I was a little nervous, as I was not sure what kind of response we would get. We have both been blown away at the amount of support we have received. This support contributes to the excitement I have been feeling as we anticipate our climb up the mountain. Oftentimes, people donate to a cause and that’s the end of it –it becomes an afterthought. To be able to have our donors see us partake in the accomplishment of reaching the summit on Mt. Fuji is a big deal.

As a patient, there is the emotional piece to all of the fundraising. I know that these funds are going directly to research to fight multiple myeloma. I know that I will be a direct beneficiary of this. So to me, this is much more than climbing a mountain. Fellow patients are fighting for their lives, and some have lost the battle. Who am I to sit back and do nothing when I have the ability to fundraise and climb?

I am proud to be a part of this program, and I will be proud to stand beside my teammates, including five other patients like myself, and watch the sun rise over Japan together. Although it will be a challenge, I am grateful to be able to be present for it, and happy to have this chance to be a part of the action in finding a cure.