Grand Canyon2017


Grand Canyon

Megan Parker

'Are You Ready to Go on a Big Adventure?'

May 04, 2017

When I was growing up, Saturday mornings always started off the same. I would stagger downstairs still half asleep in my PJs and my mom and dad would be sitting in the family room reading the newspaper. The place would smell like coffee and, on good days, donuts.

As I rubbed my eyes and scouted out which breakfast treat to grab — before my sister could get to it —my mom would turn to me and say, “are you ready to go on a big adventure?” To which I would reply, “what’s the plan?” And, like that, the weekend began.

Now, you must understand that our “big adventures” were not always that big. Maybe a trip to a new store, trying some new food or a visit with a friend, but we always called them “big adventures” and automatically they became more fun. It was like a secret code word for an activity with mom.

I am about to go on another big adventure. I am doing it in honor of my mom and, while not physically, with my mom.

I am joining the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation (MMRF) to hike the Bright Angel Trail of the Grand Canyon. We are doing this to raise awareness and funds for the MMRF, which is driving research for a cure for multiple myeloma, the (currently) incurable blood cancer that my mom passed away from six years ago.

Over the past six years, the MMRF has taken me on so many big adventures and introduced me to the most inspiring and amazing people. Several who are fighting multiple myeloma right now.

· My friend Jeannie is a beautiful person, mother, wife. Jeannie just spent 20 days in the hospital fighting this disease. I don’t want her to spend another day there. So, I will hike.

· My friend Jim impressed us all as he ran the Boston Marathon last year and then inspired us as he took on multiple myeloma with such courage and positivity since the run. He is now in remission thanks to a drug that the MMRF got approved within the last year. I will hike so the next drug can be approved.

The MMRF has carried me through five marathons in four cities; through countless half marathons, relays and races. Along the way I have felt immense support from family and friends near or far.

Together Team Parker has raised over $100,000 for the MMRF and we are very proud to play a small part because along that same time the MMRF has nearly tripled patient survival. They have delivered 10 new treatments in a decade and launched over 60 new clinical trials.

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” The MMRF is daring. I am proud to support them. I hope you take a moment to make your own “big adventure” and take a moment to think of mom.