Grand Canyon2017


Grand Canyon

Stan Wagner

My Last Mountain Trek...Really

March 22, 2017

After climbing Kilimanjaro in 2016, I decided that I was done with this type of adventure. My bucket list item of climbing to Everest Base Camp would not happen.

Well, things change. I’m home now. Trying to get back into a normal life after being part of an amazing team, doing amazing things. We made it to Everest Base Camp a little more than a week ago. More importantly, our team raised more than $400,000 for the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation (MMRF).

After a life-altering trip like this, there are still bits and pieces of it that elude my memory, but it comes back after looking at the many photos that were taken. It was tough. For me, it was a bit of a struggle. There was a day where the struggle was more emotional than physical. But, my Everest family was there for me. And, I know that we’ll be there for each other forever. That’s the big take away for me. Being a part of something bigger than myself.

Mark Herkert

Thank you CURE, Takeda Oncology and the MMRF for helping me check off this item on my bucket list. And, most importantly, thank you to my very understanding wife, Pam, for allowing me to go on the trip of a lifetime. Next trek will be sedate enough so that I can share it with my wife.