
5 Recent Updates in the Ovarian Cancer Space


A roundup of some of the latest news and updates for patients with ovarian cancer from CURE®.

There have been several updates in the field of ovarian cancer over the past several weeks. Here, CURE® looks back at some of the latest news and updates affecting patients with that cancer type.

  • Oral contraceptive use was associated with a reduced risk of endometrial and ovarian cancer, which extended up to three decades after patients stopped its use. READ MORE.
  • In this episode of the “CURE® Talks Cancer” podcast, we spoke with a patient who was blindsided by her stage 3 ovarian cancer diagnosis several years ago. We talk about how she spent months going from specialist to specialist before finally receiving her diagnosis, and why she dedicates much of her time to advocating for others. LISTEN HERE.
  • Two methods to evaluate the response to therapy may not be accurate assessments in women with ovarian cancer, fallopian tube cancer or primary peritoneal carcinoma who were treated with chemotherapy before surgery, according to data published in Lancet Oncology. READ MORE.
  • In this episode of the “CURE® Talks Cancer” podcast, we spoke with a gynecologic cancer expert about how her sister’s journey with ovarian cancer provided her with a different perspective that would lead to raising awareness for others. LISTEN HERE.
  • In an interview with CURE®, “Felicity” and “Scandal” actor Scott Foley spoke about his experience as a caregiver to his mother, and why women should not just watch and wait for their ovarian cancer to recur. READ MORE.

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