
Here’s Who Cancer Survivors and Patients Turn to for Emotional Support During Their Journey


On social media, CURE® recently asked its readers to share who they have turned to for emotional support during their cancer journey.

Each week on FacebookTwitter and Instagram, CURE® asks its readers to share their thoughts with a #CureConnect discussion question.

This past week, we asked: “Your doctor? Family? A friend? Who do you turn to for your emotional support on your cancer journey?”

Here’s what some of our readers shared:

  • “Church, friends and staff at the cancer center. (The staff) are like a second family.” – J.B.
  • “Friends (who are) near and far. (A) phone call (with) my oncologist. We have had two previous rounds together (and are) now on (our) third.” – D.K.
  • “My family, doctors and friends do their share to serve, comfort, inspire and help me in my cancer journey.” – R.L.
  • “My spouse and my friends at Gilda’s Club and its great support groups.” – R.C.
  • “My family and my friends have been my rock during this entire process. There has not been a day that has gone by that someone has not helped or checked on me. My medical staff has also been great during treatments and appointments since I have had to do all of them alone.” – K.Q.
  • “When I was diagnosed, I knew I needed support from other patients with cancer, so I joined a hospital support group. I'm eight years cancer free and still see the ladies from the group.” – B.L.
  • “My daughter has been a constant in my journey. Even though I don’t verbally share everything I’m experiencing, she knows. Whether it’s an encouraging word, a gift, or just a listening ear, she’s there.” – F.R.
  • “My girlfriends were everything to me during my cancer treatments.” – K.K.

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