

Invasive Ductal Carcinoma: Two Poems on My Experience

I wrote these poems as a testament to strength, courage and resilience for all patients affected by cancer.

I am submitting these works as a testament to strength, courage and resilience, not just for myself, but all those affected by this disease. I write to continue to encourage myself in this literal fight for my life.

I began to write not long after my radiation treatments ended. I had a few poems written and a short story from a few years ago. A relative visiting from out of town happened to mention that she was an editor. At that time, she had a small side business as a proofreader and editor. I couldn’t believe it. I've known her all my life and never knew this about her. So I took a chance, a leap of faith some would say. I mentioned, ever so meekly, that I have written a book.

She was ecstatic! She had a couple of authors as clients and believed in the power of writing. This made me anxious and excited all at the same time. The next day she shared with me her thoughts and encouraged me to continue writing.

Writing my thoughts was a much-needed form of therapy. With my diagnosis, treatments and all that I experienced in 2022 and 2023, I definitely needed a positive outlet. Life had become chaotic and some of my poor decisions made things even harder.

Now that I’ve gone through the storm clouds and darkness, I’m even more grateful for my life. I’m thankful for everyday I’m blessed to see and am living with purpose and the hope of the future and whatever life has in store. My desire now is to spread a message of self-love, peace and light and to take back that which we often lose when dealing with a sickness such as cancer: our autonomy.

Never Alone

You know, some days I felt so alone

And at times had to go to appointments on my own

The toll this road takes can run for miles and miles

All along the way we continue to find a way to smile

Knowing the days would get better

Going through this has made me a go-getter

And as those who have walked this path before us have shown

We are truly never alone.

Our community is tried and true

And if you’re feeling out of sorts, they help to guide you through

Let's bind together, you can lean on me

And together we will take back our autonomy

As We Climb

As we climb, no one really knows what’s on our minds

As we climb, we are not sure along the way what we’ll find

As we climb, the path ahead, it can be a little blurry

As we climb, let’s make sure we don’t grow to worry

As we climb, we know that everything takes time

As we climb, try to keep that in mind

As we climb, there needs to be a passion inside

As we climb, burn with the blaze and drive of an iron side

As we climb, we develop a grace and elegance of royalty

As we climb, continually stoking the fire in our belly as if out of self-loyalty

As we climb, we can proclaim

we will take back our strength

we will take back our worth

we will take back our power

And as we climb, we will show the world the true meaning of a survivor

This poem was written and submitted by Danyelle L. Walker. The article reflects the views Walker and not of CURE®. This is also not supposed to be intended as medical advice.

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