March CPAN Advocacy Chat


Physicians and patients agree: cancer care should be effective and high quality. What does high quality mean though, and who is defining it? How does a community oncology practice achieve the goal of providing high quality care? Once a practice reaches the standard of “high quality,” how does it maintain that standard?

On March 9, 2022, Bo Gamble joined Rose Gerber to discuss the meaning of “high quality” in a community oncology practice and what practices are doing to provide for their patients. As Director of Practice Quality and Value Initiatives for the Community Oncology Alliance, Bo works with practice administrators and physicians around the country to develop and coordinate key standards for patient care. During the March chat, he discussed the challenges of managing competing care standards, integrating new information into existing models, ensuring the patient’s voice is heard, and more. View the entire video here:

3/11/2022 March CPAN News Bulletin

Advocacy Chats – Insightful Conversations on Policy Issues & Cancer Research

What is High Quality Cancer Care? A CPAN Advocacy Chat

Cancer care should be high quality – but what does high quality mean, and who defines it? How does a community oncology practice achieve the standard of “high quality” care, and how does the practice maintain it? On March 9 at 12 p.m. ET, Bo Gamble, COA Director of Practice and Quality Initiatives, will join COA Director of Patient Advocacy and Education, Rose Gerber, to discuss the meaning of “high quality” in a community oncology practice, the challenges of managing competing care standards, ensuring the patient’s voice is heard, and more. Stream it on @OncologyCOA’s YouTube channel today.

ICYMI: The Financial Crisis of Cancer: A CPAN Advocacy Chat

A cancer diagnosis is life changing. Patients must confront the emotional toll, rearrange their lives to accommodate treatment, adjust to new physical challenges, and lean on friends and family for help. One of the biggest changes is adjusting to the financial burden. Family Reach CEO, Carla Tardif, joined COA’s Rose Gerber to discuss how Family Reach helps cancer patients through emergency relief, financial coaching, and more. Stream it on @OncologyCOA’s YouTube channel today.

Read the entire news bulletin here on COA’s Patient Advocacy Network:

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