
Tell Me, and I Forget. Teach Me, and I Remember. Involve Me, and I Learn

By Anne Dabbs,
NCAN TN Chapter Leader, NET Patient

“Tell Me, and I Forget. Teach Me, and I Remember. Involve Me, and I Learn.” – Benjamin Franklin

As soon as you hear your physician utter the words, “You have Cancer”, your brain stops.

It shutters with horror and disbelief. Then, it slowly kicks into overdrive trying to absorb the shock and the strange new terminology that accompanies this diagnosis. You will be asking a lot of medical personnel to repeat themselves and to explain things over, and over, and over, again. You FORGET all, but the essentials to emotionally deal with your new reality.

Next, all of those new medical terms become just familiar enough that you can start reading about your disease, and talking with others who have a similar diagnosis. You begin to REMEMBER the highlights of NETs in general, and the specifics of your own case, as needed.

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