The Gift of Comfort and Joy


"Comfort and Joy” is a cheerful and popular refrain this time of year, but sharing comfort and joy can be a daily endeavor.

“Comfort and Joy” is a cheerful and popular refrain this time of year, but sharing comfort and joy can be a daily endeavor.

Talking about comfort with an incurable cancer community is not exactly an easy task. Yes, we may have the “good cancer”; Yes, we may not look like cancer patients, but many in our Neuroendocrine Community are not assured physical comfort. And still others struggle with a lack of emotional comfort. Comfort is not a given, especially with a cancer diagnosis. But what we do have is the ability to offer each other the gift of comfort.

Everyday our Facebook NETs groups are flooded with patients reaching out to reassure others, to offer encouragement, to show solidarity in the many facets and complexities of living with NETs. If comfort as a noun alludes us, then let’s try to find comfort as a verb. I have lived long enough to learn that in offering a gift of comfort, I, too, will know comfort. What we give, we receive.

The same is true for Joy. Joy is an all encompassing emotion. It is easy to give and a delight to receive, especially when there is joyful, hopeful news among our NETs friends. For those of us whose Neuroendocrine journeys do not include points of extreme satisfaction or jubilation, we can find joy in the smaller, but equally valuable bits of contentment, humor, and happiness. Joy is contagious and always arises out of gratitude. “We are not thankful because we’re joyful; we’re joyful because we are thankful.”

When I think of Comfort and Joy, the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson come to mind:

“Write it on your heart
That each day is the best day of the year…”

Tidings of Comfort and Joy from all of us at NCAN. And remember, if you need us, don’t hesitate to reach out. We are HERE for you.

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Disclaimer: NCAN blog posts are the opinions of its writers and are not intended as a replacement for medical advice. Please consult your Heath Care Providers for individual concerns.