Stephanie Landon

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Stephanie Landon was living and working in the cancer space long before she was diagnosed with breast cancer herself. As the head of communications for a national radiology company (RadNet), she has been responsible for writing all of their content, including blog articles, newsletters, websites and more. She does research and moderates webinars on cancer-related topics featuring physicians, researchers and radiologists. Stephanie also produces and hosts a podcast called YOUR BODY, which focuses on various health topics (many of them cancer-related). She was 16 when her father was diagnosed with lymphoma, saw him go through esophogeal cancer later, and finally lost him to the lymphoma a few years ago. She lost two grandparents and two step-fathers to cancer, while her father-in-law currently battles advanced metastatic prostate cancer. She is grateful for her current health, the health of her husband and three children, but lives for the day when we will find a cure for this disease.
