My AML Patient Workshop Experience
Here's what I was asked during an AML patient workshop...
A Full-Body Scan: The Reality of a Cancer Diagnosis
I see a psychologist who is helping me to understand my feelings and to learn mindfulness meditation techniques.
Unique Individual: My Cancer Diagnosis
Every individual is unique in their own way.
Cancer: The Ultimate Detour in Life
Since your diagnosis and treatments, how many life direction changes have you made?
Is It Possible to Be Thankful for Cancer?
Being thankful for cancer seems like an odd concept to grasp.
Big, Freaking Rock: A Cancer Biopsy
My experience with a cancer biopsy.
Tips for Navigating Cancer Talk Around the Holidays
The holidays are rolling in, which often means reconnecting with friends and family— some of which you haven’t seen in a while.
Saying Goodbye to a Cancer Patient Advocate
Losing someone to cancer never gets easier.
The Importance of Cancer Support Groups: A Family of Understanding
I found family in my cancer support groups.
My Hospital Family During Cancer
My visits to the local cancer center were very impactful as a cancer survivor, and I consider that staff a part of my family.
The Effects of Chemotherapy on Joints
It’s been more than half a year since I rang the bell at the hospital signaling that I was free of non-Hodgkins Lymphoma.
How I Started My Advocacy Journey After Cancer
Here are ways to become a patient advocate.
Stages of Grief After a Cancer Diagnosis
I was in denial after the shock of being told I had prostate cancer.
Bone Marrow Donation
My donor is at war.
Dealing With Disappointment Due to Cancer
Sometimes after a diagnosis of cancer, plans and attending events can become elusive due to symptoms and treatments.
Cancer Creates Community
A cancer community creates support and care throughout a cancer experience.
More Than A Good Deed
Friendship means the world throughout a cancer experience.
Refueling After A Cancer Burnout
Can I be honest with you?
From a Patient’s Perspective: A Letter to Oncology Teams
Dear every oncology team...
Things People Say About Cancer
Sometimes, it is better to keep things to yourself when it comes to cancer.
Socktober: How Socks Help Patients with Cancer
Who knew how impactful socks could be!
The Unseen Challenges of Survivorship
I had the wrong interpretation of what a cancer survivor was. That was until I was diagnosed with a rare cancer and shockingly, the term “cancer survivor” became a part of my journey.
My Journey Through Multiple Myeloma: A Rebirth
Braving the storm that is cancer.
One Way Family Issues Impact A Cancer Diagnosis
I had to redefine the relationship with my mother during the most challenging of times.
Adieu, Adieu: Poems Of A Cancer Survivor
Some topics are difficult to talk about. This is one of them.
Just Be In The Room: Friends With Cancer
Sometimes you just need to be present, whether that means being in the room or a phone call away.
The 5-Year Mark of My Cancer
My 5-year mark prompted me to reflect on my entire experience…and how far I have come.
Showing Up During Cancer
Being there for someone who is in need does more than you think.
Was There a 'Right Way' For Me To Heal After Cancer?
There were so many opinions on my healing after cancer.
I Don’t Ponder “Why Me” When It Comes To Cancer
Somehow, despite our best intentions and efforts, life throws us curveballs.