Metastatic Breast Cancer


CURE’s metastatic breast cancer page features the latest cancer news and updates on metastatic breast cancer Through articles, videos, podcasts, and more, CURE brings readers the insights of experts, cancer survivors, patients, and advocates to ensure everyone is up to date in metastatic breast cancer.

Latest News

Image of a doctor speaking with a patient.
Answers to 10 Frequently Asked Questions About Metastatic Breast Cancer

July 23rd 2024

Here are answers to 10 questions patients asked at the CURE® Educated Patient® Metastatic Breast Cancer Summit about scans, treatment and clinical trials.

cartoon image of blogger and metastatic breast cancer survivor, martha carlson
Life With Metastatic Cancer: How Do You Do It?

July 22nd 2024

Image of a technological graphic of clinical trials.
Oncologist Debunks Clinical Trial Myths

July 1st 2024

Image of a doctor talking with a patient.
Palliative Care’s Role in Helping Patients With Breast Cancer, Their Families

June 29th 2024

Image of fruit and vegetable smoothies.
Integrative Methods Address Common Breast Cancer Quality-of-Life Issues

June 28th 2024

Video Series
Video Interviews
Christina McAmis and her children

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