Cancer Care in LGBTQ Patients: Where We Are and What We Need


More people are aware of the disparities LGBTQ patients face, but prohibitive legislature could be moving the needle backward when it comes to equality in care.

While there has been an increased awareness in the disparities that LGBTQ patients with cancer face, there is still a long way to go, especially as new legislation is introduced in multiple states throughout the U.S. that could limit access and quality health care for this population, explained Kelly S. Haviland, a nurse research scientist and family nurse practitioner at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.


The recognition that disparities and marginalization exist in these populations is becoming more forthright. And at the same time, you know, there are over I think 400 different legislative policies that have been brought forth just this year against transgender persons. So I think while we see issues are becoming more discussed, we also see many laws and many legislative policies that are coming into play that are prohibitive. And so I think it's a difficult answer.

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