CURE's Top Stories: February 2020


Here are the top five CURE® stories for February 2020.

Here are the top five CURE® stories for February 2020.

5. “I Never Met Frederic Mohs”

In this reader-submitted story, a skin cancer survivor shares his experience with squamous and basal cell carcinoma — and the healthy-tissue-sparing surgery that removed those cancerous cells and has him back to living life to the fullest.

4. Understanding Prevention For Hereditary Cancer

In honor of National Cancer Prevention Month, we take an in-depth look at how knowledge is power when it comes to hereditary cancers, in this piece.

3. Just Remember Not to Stop

Here, a cancer survivor laments not getting more done until she realizes that she just moves slower, and that's OK. As long as you don't stop.

2. New Blood Test Could Detect Cancer Cells

In this story, we look at a new study that supports the use of a blood test to detect clusters of cancer cells in the blood of asymptomatic individuals, potentially giving patients a non-invasive screening and testing method.

1. Finding Purpose After Five Different Cancers

In this episode of the “CURE Talks Cancer” podcast, we spoke with Lainie Jones, who found her purpose in helping others after being diagnosed with five separate primary cancers before the age of 35 because of Li-Fraumeni syndrome, a rare genetic condition that predisposes her to develop the disease.

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Image of a woman with brown wavy hair, wearing a navy blue top.
Image of a man wearing a suit with a red bowtie.
Image of a man with rectangular glasses and a goatee.
Image of a woman with glasses and dark hair.
Image of a woman wearing a red tank top.
Image of a woman with a brown hair tied into a bun.
Image of Annie Bond.
Image of Dr. Jorge Cortes; a man with short dark hair wearing a suit.
Image of a man with brown hair.
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