Finding a Way Forward in Blood Cancer


Information about myeloproliferative neoplasms – or MPNs – is hard to come by. But the MPN Research Foundation’s myMPN Patient Registry aims to change that. Learn more about it in this week's episode of the CURE Talks Cancer podcast.

Information about myeloproliferative neoplasms — or MPNs – is hard to come by. Even a simple internet search about this rare group of blood cancers turns up little. But the MPN Research Foundation’s myMPN Patient Registry aims to change that.

This week on CURE Talks Cancer, we spoke with Robyn M. Scherber, Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Department of Hematology and Oncology at the UT Health San Antonio MD Anderson Cancer Center; Lindsey Whyte, myMPN Project Manager of the MPN Research Foundation; and Michelle Woehrle, Executive Director of the MPN Research Foundation about their work with the registry, and about a recent patient data analysis that is helping to shed new light on this family of diseases.

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