
Have You Met Someone on Your Cancer Journey That You Look Up to or Admire?


On social media, CURE® recently asked its readers to give a shout out to their ‘cancer hero’: the person or persons who they met while on their cancer journey and they now admire.

Each week on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, CURE® asks its readers to share their thoughts with the #CureConnect discussion question.

This past week, we asked: “Have you met someone on your cancer journey that you look up to or admire?”

Here’s what some of our readers shared:

  • “My grandmother was fighting ovarian (cancer), stage 4. Diagnosed before me at stage 3B cervical. She fought through three different rounds of chemo before she succumbed to the disease. I beat mine. She taught me how to battle through even the toughest and lowest moments. My grandmother was my battle buddy, my role model, and will always be my guardian angel. She led by example in more ways than one. I miss her every day.” – J.C.
  • “A lot of brave woman had inspired me, and I’m now doing same thing for other friends that suffer of this sickness, let’s keep strong.” – M.G.
  • “My kids were awesome. My kitty, Puka, was my support kitty. When I would get home from treatments, he would come to my side 24/7. He only got up to eat and use the litter box! He was wonderful. He went through two breast cancers and treatments with me. It was one breast after the other. He passed away at 19 on July 21, 2019.” – C.N.
  • “Too many to list. I was diagnosed with de novo metastatic breast cancer in March 2017 and since then I have been honored to have met some of the most amazing thrivers. These ladies not only continue to educate me, but they support me and inspire me.” – H.R.B.
  • My oncologist, Dr. Shruti Trehan! She is one of the smartest, kindest and wonderful people I have ever met! I want to be her when I grow up! – J.B.

To see more comments from our readers, or be a part of the conversation, follow CURE on Facebook.

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