
Here’s How Cancer Has Changed the Way Some People Live Their Lives


On social media, CURE® recently asked its readers to share how cancer has changed the way they live their lives. Here’s what they said.

Each week on FacebookTwitter and InstagramCURE® asks its readers to share their thoughts with a #CureConnect discussion question.

This past week, we asked: “How has cancer changed the way you live your life?”

Here’s what some of our readers shared:

  • “Nothing will ever scare me again as much as those words did. Less stress, but always alert.” – O.M.
  • “Only that it has made me pause and notice the small things in my life. Also, I will never be a slave to my hair anymore.” – T.N.
  • “It made me realize that no one knows when they will take their last breath. No one. So, you had better make the most of each day. Wake up each day grateful.” – P.J.
  • “Live life to the fullest and do what makes you happy.” – J.M.
  • “I now live my life without my husband. We fought hard, but it took him.” – T.G.
  • “It has deconditioned me from denial of mortality. I can grieve — sadly and deeply — that life ends, and in so doing, living has become more incredible and awesome and honored than I ever dreamed it could be.” – T.S.
  • “I've been fighting metastatic breast cancer for almost 20 years. We treat every event like an adventure and don't take life for granted. And, I love birthdays.” – A.B.
  • “I’m more assertive and less patient. I don’t get involved in other people’s drama. I focus on enjoying every day to the fullest and making memories with my family. I treat every single day as a precious gift. I make healthier choices, including exercise and the foods I eat. I try to see the humor in every situation and respond with a positive mindset. I don’t let myself dwell on ‘what if?’ That leads to depression and crying. I have no time for any of that. It’s counterproductive and just gives you a headache.” – A.W-P.
  • “It gave me my path for the future. Life is precious and I wanted to make meaning from my cancer experience, so I created The Cancer Journey Institute to train cancer survivors and caregivers to be ‘Cancer Journey Coaches.’ We all help cancer folks find meaning and their power while on their journey. It is truly a fulfilling calling.” – S.T.
  • “It’s made me appreciate life more, and I take nothing for granted. I also decided I am not putting anything off anymore.” – K.Q.
  • “I'm now more open to sharing and realize we don't have to go through life alone. I wrote a book about my prostate cancer diagnosis, and Prostate Cancer Foundation BC provides free copies to everyone newly diagnosed anywhere in Canada. I never thought I'd share such intimate details, but I found it extremely therapeutic to write about my experience and encourage others to do the same.” – G.G.

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