Here’s How Oncology Nurses Have Helped Some Patients During Their Cancer Journey


On social media, CURE® recently asked its readers to share how oncology nurses have helped them during their experience with cancer. Here’s what some of them said.

Each week on FacebookTwitter and InstagramCURE® asks its readers to share their thoughts with a #CureConnect discussion question.

This past week, we asked: “How has an oncology nurse helped you during your experience with cancer?”

Here’s what some of our readers shared:

  • “Nurses have the ability to make treatment so much more bearable. When I was stuck in the hospital for the millionth time (so it seemed), I had a nurse that took time out of her shift to discuss the Lord with me. It was so uplifting to find a fellow believer when everything physically was crumbling. We chatted and cried together, and she took care of me physically as well as helping me spiritually and emotionally.” – S.S-D.
  • “I've had support from many oncology nurses. There were patient-designated nurses during my original diagnosis. Since my regional recurrence, I've been working with a nurse practitioner, but the ones who boosted my spirits were the treatment nurses.” – N.D.
  • “After my mastectomy, I was feeling very alone, and my sweet nurse came into my room and spent so much time with me just talking and being there for me. She was amazing and the kind of nurse we all wish we could be!! I loved that she took time for me in a time when I was feeling confused and alone.” – T.V.
  • “The nurses at the chemo clinic were amazing.” – M.E.
  • “I’ve had so many amazing nurses just show basic kindness and respect. To have someone listen to you, hold your hand or give you a hug during extremely emotional times makes a world of difference. I’m so grateful for their unwavering compassion. I’ve also had nurses help me navigate the cost of treatments and medicines — going out of their way to research how I could find a way to afford specific medications to help me manage my side effects.” – D.D.
  • “(There’s this one nurse who) keeps track of my labs and chemotherapy appointments. She is always encouraging me and even stopped by with a new oncology nurse to do my neuro exam to show her how it’s done.” – C.V.D.
  • “The nurses cracked the whip with love and kindness, and a little fire too!” – J.D.
  • “My two favorite oncology nurses are twins that work together. Seeing them at the center makes me feel less anxious. It’s their familiar faces and they’re just so personable, knowledgeable, friendly, jokey and just straight up good and kind women. All the other oncology nurses at my cancer center are kind and friendly as well, but it’s these two that I have connected most with. I’m fortunate to have them on my cancer care team.” – Y.P.

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