
Here’s How Some People Manage Side Effects of Cancer Treatment


On social media, CURE® recently asked its readers to share if they have experienced any side effects from cancer treatment and how they have managed them. Here’s what some of them said.

Each week on FacebookTwitter and InstagramCURE® asks its readers to share their thoughts with a #CureConnect discussion question.

This past week, we asked: “Did you experience any side effects from cancer treatment? How did you cope with them?”

Here’s what some of our readers shared:

  • “Radiation colitis due to pelvic radiation treatment. Would I do it again? Yes.” – S.M.
  • “It was devastating. I did well on the Adriamycin (doxorubicin hydrochloride) and cyclophosphamide for inflammatory breast cancer. Then came the allergic reaction and ensuing stroke from the Taxotere (docetaxel). I have permanent brain damage, but at least I got most of my abilities back. One third of a lung gone to radiation burns, too. But I'm still here 19 years later from what was supposed to kill me in three years or less. I believe the Herceptin (trastuzumab) saved my life. For what, I can't say. My existence means I am still trying to pick up the pieces to my ruined life. Maybe if I hadn't lost my husband to liver cancer in the middle of it. My world is a Lifetime movie.” – C.J.H-R.
  • “Twenty years after a Hodgkin lymphoma diagnosis, I am 51 but feel 81. Peripheral and autonomic neuropathy, fibromyalgia, brain fog, there is more. I lived to remarry, have another child, and see my kids grow up and have their children. It's worth it.” – S.L.C.
  • “Exhaustion was one of the main problems with chemo brain right away and after 15 years I still have it. Pumped me full of prednisone and I got diabetes which gets worse every year. Heart damage from Herceptin treatments. Going broke for paying for all the treatments. I am still alive though.” – L.P.
  • “Developed lymphedema and still get extremely tired and can’t handle heat after radiation.” – N.B.
  • “Nausea, acid reflex, hair loss, fatigue, dry skin, brittle nails, constipation, mouth sores — five years of treatment adds up. My oncologist works hard to alleviate side effects. Some things can't be helped. It’s the price I pay to prevent progression and stay alive.” – K.I.

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