How Do You Overcome the Fear That Comes With Cancer?


We asked our social media audience: How do you overcome the fear that comes with cancer? Here are some of their inspiring, uplifting and surprising responses.

A cancer diagnosis can be a scary thing, wrought with uncertainty. It takes a lot to cope with this fear, so we polled CURE®’s social media audience for their advice. On our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram channels, we asked: How do you overcome the fear that comes with cancer? Here are some of their inspiring, uplifting and surprising responses:

  • “The key to overcoming fear is to acknowledge it, but not focus on it. In addition to keeping your own head clear of fear, you have to surround yourself with people who are not focused on fear. Ignoring it won't make it go away. If you don't, it will paralyze you.” — T.H
  • “You don't.” — Y.M.
  • “First I try to recognize it as a real thing. Then I tell myself I can use whatever time I have left living in this mental state of fear which is not going to change the outcome. Or I can understand that fear is all a perception, valid and real of course. However, I can choose to focus on the gifts each day brings. That will make me feel better. Fear does not change the outcome of the situation. It will be a positive or negative test outcome regardless of the intensity of worries.” — T.L.
  • “I don’t think you overcome it, just learn to cope with it. Sometimes I let it overtake me and I let all that emotion out and then I get back to living.” — D.A.H.
  • “Stay in the now.” — D.W.
  • “I acknowledge it (because it’s no joke) but then repeat several times in my head, ‘This is just your mind wandering, nothing bad is happening in this moment.’ I think the fear will always be the gift that keeps on giving, but it can also serve as a reminder that taking care of our minds and ourselves has to be equal to treating the cancer.” — S.G.
  • “I try to stay positive and be thankful for each day. My favorite quote is: Fate whispers to the warrior, ‘You cannot withstand the storm.’ And the warrior whispers back, ‘I am the Storm!’ When negative thoughts creep in, I think of all the good and that our Lord walks beside me in this journey.” — D.H.
  • “Certainly, prayer helps me, and more than my own prayers is the knowledge of others praying for me. As for something that might seem more tangible, I strongly recommend a good support group and by ‘good’ I mean one with a very good facilitator. A facilitator can make or break a group. I might express a fear in the group that I wouldn't have acknowledged to others who don't have cancer, and someone picks up on it and says, ‘me too.’ That is so affirming, even if you are dealing with a fear. My support group has helped me tremendously.” — E.B.S.
  • “I prayed and asked God to help me through the surgery and treatment. I found comfort, strength and courage in prayer.” — P.S.
  • “Educate yourself about the cancer that you have, (and) what it takes to survive it.” — S.S.
  • “Accept your mortality and live your life!” — M.G.R.
  • “You don’t overcome the fear — you make fear your friend and you respect it and listen to it.” — K.M.
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