How Have Cancer Survivors, Patients Benefitted From Participating in Support Groups?


On social media, CURE® recently asked its readers to share if they have participated in support groups, and, if so, how they benefitted from the experience.

Each week on FacebookTwitter and InstagramCURE® asks its readers to share their thoughts with a #CureConnect discussion question.

This past week, we asked: “Have you ever participated in a support group? How did you benefit from the experience?”

Here’s what some of our readers shared:

  • “I've been lucky enough to participate in two support groups, one for prostate cancer survivors and one for those of us in remission. It has been a rewarding experience in both cases.” – R.C.
  • “Yes. I remain a member of and found it really helpful during treatment and just after completing treatment. I don't visit often anymore, but I love group.” – C.P.
  • “Yes, some were better than others. I find many that were places where people tried to one up each other with their ‘horror’ stories … I don’t like them.” – D.K.
  • “Currently in one. The support is great and building one up who is going through a rough time. It has helped me with my many post cancer health issues. Once again knowing I am not in it alone and different views and info.” – J. OBC.
  • “No. There really aren’t many metastatic breast cancer support groups in this country. Most are geared toward early stage disease, which is completely different from issues we have being stage 4 and terminal. It’s a completely different disease, so they really aren’t helpful to me, personally. Finding people who can relate to it is difficult. There are Facebook groups, but that seems about as close as I could get in a small town. There are just so few resources here.” – K.S.
  • “I love them. I joined a few. It’s comforting to know others who truly understand what it’s like. Multiple myeloma is a strange cancer and most people don’t understand. It is also good to hear what others use for side effects and financial help.” – T.C.
  • “I went a few times and it helped. We talked about all the underlying things that go with fighting cancer like the change in relationships, our changing bodies, etc. It helped to have others understand.” – V.J.
  • “My knitting group and hiking group (and friends and family) were great support during my illness, but I think a formal group at the cancer center would have been helpful too. I just didn’t have energy for new meetings on top of work, caregiving, chemo, etc. I do remember looking at the meeting notices at the cancer center.” – F.M.
  • “It was essential to find a support group for young women with breast cancer. I felt I had nothing in common with women in their 50s and up (still feel this way), and a support group full of older people was so alienating and upsetting to me as a young person navigating cancer. It’s imperative to find ‘your group’ and people ‘who get you’ whatever your niche may be.” – J.S.
  • “After my initial diagnosis and surgery and yearlong treatment. I attended a support group at the hospital. I didn’t gain much from it. Three years ago, I became a member of a newly formed group at my church. We focus on assisting others going through treatment and their families. Much more rewarding.” – G.N.

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