Let Your Whisper Become a Roar - Remove Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screening!


March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness month and I'm happy to be part of the sea of blue that is preventing others from enduring a diagnosis of colon cancer.

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness month, and I'm happy to be part of the sea of blue that is preventing others from enduring a diagnosis of colon cancer. When I heard the words "you have colon cancer" 16 years ago, it wasn't a cancer that was openly discussed. The one and only treatment available had been used for 45 years. I was lucky. Research for colon cancer was rampant and I benefited, and am alive today, because of that research.

I learned about that research most often from friends that I met along the way. They helped me to live with this devastating disease. It was Fight Colorectal Cancer founder, Nancy Roach, who I would reach out to in fear late at night. She never failed to lend an encouraging word. It was Dusty Weaver, a fellow colon cancer survivor, who first urged me to tell my story. It was the voice of Kate Murphy, who I dearly miss, that consistently repeated "Research Saves Lives." They inspired me to turn my whispered diagnosis into a roar of action.

These same friends inspired others through the years, too, and this week more than 100 colorectal cancer advocates from across the United States are storming Capitol Hill with Fight Colorectal Cancer. We need your help to pass the Removing Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screening Act (H.R. 1220/S.624) into law. Please share your voice and ask your senators and representative to co-sponsor. It's easy. Just follow the link:


This simple ask will help to ensure that colorectal cancer is truly preventable, treatable, and beatable. Let your whisper become a roar!

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