Managing Cancer Treatment Side Effects

CURESupplement 2012
Volume 11
Issue 0

More people are living with cancer and receiving a growing array of cancer treatments for longer periods of time. The unavoidable consequence is that more individuals are experiencing the side effects of cancer and cancer therapy. While the severity of treatment-related symptoms tends to be lower with newer biologic therapies, the spectrum of toxicities has gotten wider and can affect just about every organ and area of the body.

Fortunately for many patients, the science of supportive care has advanced significantly in the past decade or two. The biology of pathways involved in nausea, neuropathy and pain are being studied and deciphered, leading to supportive strategies that allow patients to center their lives and focus on the things that matter most: family, work and everything that was important before cancer came along.

In parallel, natural approaches, such as diet, exercise, meditation and ancient forms of medicine, are being increasingly studied with encouraging results.

This collection of articles and news briefs will review and put into perspective the options that are available for those who are encountering cancer and embarking on treatment. The apprehension of cancer is natural, but thankfully, there are solutions that address many of the challenges along the way.

With their usual gift of explanation and illustration, the staff at CURE magazine has provided an array of supportive approaches. We hope to illuminate this path, allay fears and instill confidence with this special supplement to CURE.