
New Issue Alert: CURE Spring

We've got a sneak peek at what’s inside CURE®'s spring issue.

Does cannabis have a positive effect on patients with cancer? Although researchers are still conducting studies to gain further evidence, its popularity is driving its legalization for therapeutic use. Our cover story, Flower Power, covers all the angles.

Next, patients with head and neck cancer are Keeping the Options Open. Learn about the less toxic treatment choices that are moving to be used as initial therapy for patients ­— and, hopefully, improving their quality of life.

And, at the age of 21, one woman was told she had the BRCA1 gene mutation, which meant she had a 55 to 85 percent lifetime risk of developing breast cancer. Years later, and after undergoing a double, prophylactic mastectomy, she learned she was misdiagnosed. Her story, plus how she’s Making Lemonade from life’s lemons.

To read these stories and more, visit and click on the latest CURE® cover. Or, ensure you don’t miss a story when you subscribe to new issue alerts. Visit for more information.

And, as always, thanks for reading.

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