New Year Non-Resolution Resolutions for Cancer Survivors


The coming of New Year’s Eve can make us feel panicky about our health resolutions.

The coming of New Year’s Eve can make us feel panicky about our health resolutions. Every year, millions of people resolve to follow some type of restrictive diet to lose weight be healthier starting Jan. 1. No one wants to think about how 95 percent of those resolutions will fail long-term.

This year, I encourage you to focus on renewal. This means recognizing the healthy habits that you currently employ and assessing where improvements are needed. Try to choose a healthy habit every day to focus on achieving.

Or if you’re not a resolutions person, use this time for self-reflection with a peppering of a few ideas that you want to focus on in the New Year.

Some of my favorite ideas are:

  • Try one new whole food a week and research a recipe before attempting to tackle it. Otherwise that kohlrabi will just start to wrinkle in the fridge. I won’t be upset if you don’t like it. Just try something new.
  • Stream workouts or dance videos online. Even just ten minutes to get activity in is good. Work up to at least 30 minutes daily, as medically cleared.
  • Employ a confidence booster and try a day of self-affirmations. Create a personal mantra. Say it with conviction, in your voice and with confidence. Like, “I wake up today with strength in my heart and clarity of mind.” Or “I am courageous and I stand up for myself.” Or “Creative energy flows through me and leads me to new ideas.”
  • Tidy up your life. Choose an area of focus like a drawer, a closet or the pantry. My next area of focus is my makeup kit. Donate what you can, throw out what you can’t. Simplify.
  • Give your inner self some TLC with even just five whole minutes of meditation. Use an app for guided versions or even just set a timer; close your eyes and focus on your breath. Mind wander? No problem. Just bring it back to your breath like a balloon on a ribbon.
  • Drink more water. Try lemon water, ginger water, rosemary or strawberries to flavor it. Skip the processed stuff and flavor it yourself naturally.
  • Take a bath, a sweat in a sauna or get a massage. Seriously, make time to actively relax.
  • Occasional indulgences are OK, too. Actively plan for it as opposed to impulsively buying that bag of M&Ms. Allowing occasional treats are what give us the momentum to continue focus on a healthy diet the rest of the time.

The best New Year’s resolution you can make is to not make grand sweeping pledges, but rather focusing on small, achievable, daily habits. Happy New Year!

Amanda Bontempo, M.S. R.D. C.D.N.

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