Planes, Trains & Medical Bills: Getting To & From Cancer Treatment


There is a lot of travel language surrounding cancer. We “navigate” our cancer “journeys.” We “see the light at the end of the tunnel” as treatment draws to a close.

But sometimes, travel is a barrier and distance is the blocade between diagnosis and healing. For patients whose life-saving treatments are available far from home, getting to and from the doctor’s office or cancer center can present a major roadblock. According to the American Hospital Association “[Every year,] 3.6 million people in the U.S. do not obtain medical care due to transportation barriers.”In fact, transportation is said to be the third leading cause of missing a medical appointment.

Fortunately, nonprofits across the country are dedicated to bringing patients and their care teams together, bridging the distance to hope with free transportation thanks to donated plane tickets and a vast network of volunteer pilots.

Lifeline Pilots, established the same year as Cancer Hope Network, “has provided no-cost air transportation for financially distressed passengers with medical and humanitarian needs.Over four decades, volunteer pilots have flown five million nautical miles and more than 8,000 missions with a 100% safety record.”

In this eHOPE post, CHN Marketing Manager Dominick Notare highlights several of the incredible groups ensuring there are no detours on the way to hope. Click HERE to read more about the free services available to patients who need to go the distance.

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