

The Gift That Cancer Gave Me


My diagnosis of prostate cancer gave me an unsuspected gift.

man thinking

The reflections after a cancer diagnosis can be enlightening.

Having lived a healthy lifestyle most of my life and being very health conscious, the prostate cancer diagnosis I received was a surprise. I had made sure all my annual tests were done and on time, and was specific on the exact concerns, but I was never prepared to be one to be blessed with cancer.

So, I fell into the spiraling trap of tracing its origins. However, I quickly realized that the exercise was rooted in apportioning blame. It actually doesn't matter how I got it; the fact is I now have it. No parent would willfully pass a disease to their offspring, so it can't be anyone's fault.

I had to quickly come to grips with the fact that I am not dead yet and that no amount of worrying over it was going to help. In reality, there are worse things out there.I had to learn to play with the cards that I have been dealt, period. So, I learnt to embrace the blessing and stop the guessing.

Just as one never questions why all the “good” happens, it is absurd to question when the “bad” happens. I learned, from cancer, that control is an illusion. One is never in control of quite a lot, one can only focus on things one can control. I learnt from Cancer, that all the things I had set out to achieve, things that are dear to me, I have actually achieved.

Cancer changed my perspective in life. Without taking stock of what you already have, you never know how fortunate you are. Perhaps I had not defined my “enough,” well enough. I got to be at peace with my mortality. I understand and accept that I'll die one day, but it will be with cancer, not, from cancer.

So, in reality, I have been blessed. The point is to have lived a fulfilled life, and that cannot be measured in years, but by the moments that made it worthwhile. That can come at any age. It is important to make every day count. Spread the love as you bask in the grace and do the best you can. Define your enough.

As I write this, I am awaiting PETscan results on the metastasis after radiation and androgen deprivation therapy. I know, though that whether it has spread elsewhere or has been obliterated, it has given me the appreciation of the experiences I have had thus far, the privilege of living, loving and impacting others positively.

And that, is a priceless gift that cancer gave me.


This post was written and submitted by a CURE reader. The article reflects the views the author and not of CURE®. This is also not supposed to be intended as medical advice.

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