
There will be love


After four whirlwind, fairy tale days in Los Angeles, I'm sitting quietly at home with the view of my horses in front of me and only my thoughts for company. Cancer stayed in the shadows this week as treasured moments were spent with friends and fellow cancer survivors. Together, we traveled to a world where dreams begin and cancer nightmares end. Suzanne Rico opened her magnificent home and shared her amazing family with us, Diana Lomelin transformed our hair and makeup, and Dalia MacPhee dressed us like queens. We floated through the glitz and glamour of the Red Carpet and cheered at the People's Choice Awards. For one incredible day and night, cancer completely disappeared. Even as cancer took center stage at the fabulous GBK Golden Globes Luxury Gifting Lounge, the focus shifted to creating awareness about liver tumors, of making sure that no one faces a diagnosis like ours alone, and to ensuring that resources and support are available to everyone! It was a gift to let so many see that we truly are living with cancer and not dying from it. I thank Michael Mazzella for opening the door to this great event and to Gavin Kelly and his incredible team for such an amazing opportunity. The ripples of our hope, combined with those we met, will be limitless! One by one, my friends headed home talking about the wonderful time. Each was cognizant of the reality that awaits. I, too, left behind thoughts of my upcoming scan and the chemo treatment that tomorrow brings. A part of me wishes that I could wind back the clock and relive the magical moments of a cancer free week. I would like to freeze them in time. I'm not excited about treatment tomorrow but I know that life moves forward. As it does, new wonders will be discovered in spite of cancer. Among them, there will be miracles and there will be milestones; there will be hope and, above all else, there will be love...

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Dr. Suneel Kamath is an assistant professor of medicine at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University, in Ohio.
Image of Dr. Fakih.
Dr. Catherine Wu is chief of the Division of Stem Cell Transplantation and Cellular Therapies at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and institute member at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, in Boston, Massachusetts.
Dr. John Oertle discusses the key benefits to come from patients with cancer connecting with support networks, advocacy groups and resources.
Dr. Gabriel A. Brooks discussed the recent FDA product labeling update for Xeloda and 5-FU.
1 expert is featured in this series.
Dr. Alan Tan is the GU Oncology Lead at the Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center in Nashville, Tennessee, as well as an associate professor in the Division of Hematology/Oncology at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and GU Executive Officer with the Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology.
Bald Doctor.
Dr. David A. Braun, an Assistant Professor of Medicine, Medical Oncology, and a Louis Goodman and Alfred Gilman Yale Scholar, at the Yale School of Medicine, as well as a member of the Center of Molecular and Cellular Oncology at Yale Cancer Center, in New Haven, Connecticut
1 expert is featured in this series.
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