

Summer 2012
Volume 11
Issue 2

Tips on Finding Insurance Coverage for Cancer Rehabilitation


Rehabilitation programs at cancer centers may be paid for in a number of ways, but primarily through insurance payments for physical, occupational and speech therapies.

Patients should check their insurance to see if they have conditions on seeking rehabilitation. There may be a copay per visit or the patient may be limited to a certain number of visits per year. Don’t be discouraged, as these may be adequate to be assessed for a program that can help you reach your goals.

If your employer is self-insured, it may be easiest to contact your human resources department to ask if rehabilitation is covered.

If you determine that you have an issue that might be resolved through rehabilitation (read "Is Rehabilitation Right for You?"), contact your cancer center and speak to the rehabilitation specialist. Then get a referral to rehabilitation from your oncologist, primary care physician, surgeon or radiation therapist. Any physician can refer you to rehabilitation. You can also self-refer to the rehab department, but you need to determine if your insurance will provide coverage without a referral.