
Tuning in for tonight's health care speech? Here are some interesting sites to help you prepare.

I'll be the first to admit that I haven't exactly done all of my research with the health care reform debate; but let's face it, it's a pretty complicated issue. In doing my cram session, however, I did come across a couple of interesting finds to take a look at before President Obama's health care speech to Congress tonight. NPR's "What Health Care Overhaul Means For You" offers an easy way to see what the major health care proposals before Congress would mean for you.The New York Times's "What to Watch For in Obama's Speech" asks some of the big questions that may be answered tonight, including will he continue to support a public option, how far will he go to achieve bi-partisan support, and how will centrist lawmakers react to the speech. You can watch the speech tonight via streaming video at and also participate in a live discussion via Facebook while President Obama's gives his speech. (You will have to download an application.)And Rodale, the publisher of several health magazines, including Prevention and Women's Health, will be streaming live commentary from its editors and several medical advisors during the address at just in case you've been living on the moon for the past few days, President Obama's health care speech will begin at 8 p.m. Eastern tonight. I'll be very interested in not only President Obama's speech itself, but the reaction from lawmakers, the media, and the public.Do you know any other interesting sites, articles, or interactive tools to look at before tonight?

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