What Are Your Thoughts on 'Pinktober'?


CURE® asked its readers for their thoughts on “Pinktober,” which ran the gamut of emotions.

October is here, which means that shoppers are being bombarded with pink ribbons on everything from soup cans to cars. Now that breast cancer awareness marketing seems to be everywhere, CURE® asked its audience: What are your thoughts on “Pinktober”? Here are some of their responses:

  • The pink shows me empowerment as a breast cancer survivor. What I have been through has not been forgotten and no one will give up and will always keep fighting. The fear of reoccurrence is always there and very real. It also shows a sense of community, love and support for the survivors, those still fighting, those we have lost and their families. - CP
  • Cancer isn't always pink. Awareness shouldn't be either. — JL
  • I respect Pinktober. Our daughter was 24 when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. 24! She is now a healthy 26-year-old. Chemo, double mastectomy and reconstruction. Our daughter is an advocate for young women... Without attention to breast cancer and efforts of those like our daughter, many young women and their mothers and grandmothers may ignore signs. - CF
  • Other cancers need funding, too. — TS
  • It is good to promote but always brings back memories I don't want to think about. But hey, I think about it every day anyway, so hopefully someone will pay attention and get a mammogram. - DLW
  • Pinktober has become a marketing gimmick… You want to support us? Do something useful like volunteer to clean someone’s house, not collect yogurt caps for pennies. - AG
  • I was all over the pink when I was stage 0, 23 years ago, but now I am stage 4 (metastatic) and hate that there is not enough research or information about this disease. - MS
  • I realize this is controversial, but for me it's a perfect time to educate others… As survivors, whether living with cancer or now cancer-free, we are all responsible to carry the message and work for a cure. I wear the symbol as it gives me more opportunities to educate and help others. Again, this is what works for me. PS: I also have metastatic breast cancer and was diagnosed with (the disease) when I found out I have cancer. I believe God is giving me the opportunity to help others, so this is my goal. — DLP
  • I think all cancers need research funding, and all cancers need solutions. As an endometrial cancer survivor, I don't want to resent the attention given to any cancers, but to single out one cancer just isn’t right anymore. — SS
  • As a metastatic breast cancer fighter, my family doesn't need awareness. We want a cure. - AB
  • Do not like it. There are other cancers that need awareness that don’t get it while breast cancer gets all the attention. You would have to live under a rock not to be aware of breast cancer. - EOM
  • I'd love to see the same amount of research and awareness brought to other cancers. Clearly, breast cancer awareness has been marketed brilliantly leading to earlier detection and better treatments. It’s time to do the same for other cancers. - CSS
  • I like it. I am a survivor. - EDP
  • I experienced breast cancer this year and I really appreciate the attention given to the disease in October. It was this time last year that I found out about my cancer, so I am grateful for the focus and education provided in October. It made me go and get myself checked after recognizing symptoms from the Pink events I went to last October. On Sunday, I'll be participating in my first walk as a survivor. I appreciate that I will be surrounded by women that have had the same experience as me. — JS
  • I've been resentful of all the attention paid to this cancer, especially since dealing with uterine cancer back in 2011 to 2012. As others have stated, let's face the facts, that all cancers need this exposure for fundraising and research. - JDS
  • I don’t mind it at all. I’m an eight-year survivor of triple negative breast cancer. I have always participated in the American Cancer Society, Making Strides, walk. They do so much for those on this journey. Just be selective about which charities to support. - GN
  • I think it serves as a reminder to women to check their breasts and think about if they have had their mammogram this year! - BS
  • So many mixed feelings... I think the work done for research and awareness for early detection and screening has been a wonderful thing! However, there is little awareness, conversation or publicity about metastatic disease. — TA
  • Some of it seems a bit excessive, and we see why that bothers people. But we also know it's an important time of celebration and remembrance for other folks. Maybe this is something on which we can agree to live and let live? — SC
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