What are your Thoughts on the Medical Use of Cannabis?


On social media, CURE® recently asked its readers what their thoughts were on the medical use of cannabis. Here, we share some of their responses.

Each week on our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts, CURE® asks its readers to share their thoughts with the #CureConnect discussion question. This past week, we asked: “What are your thoughts on the medical use of cannabis?”

cannabis, medical, cancer, oncologist

Here’s what our readers shared:

  • “I’ve asked my oncologist about it. He said it’s not known how it may affect treatment. But given this caveat, he would OK it as long as patients let him know they are using it. I’m stage 4 as well and doing pretty well for now, four years after diagnosis. But I would definitely consider in the future if I feel it would be helpful.” – Y.S.
  • “If it helps, use it. I use CBD oil and cream without THC because I don’t like feeling foggy. All the meds prescribed left me sleepy and loopy and didn’t knock out the neuropathy.” – T.C.
  • “I've never had it, but if you're a person living with chronic pain and it can improve your quality of life, and it is doctor recommended, well, it is worth a try.” – D.L-P.
  • “Helps me cope with pain. Relaxes body and distracts my mind. Helps with sleep. Not addictive. I do tell my doctors.” – T.L.
  • “I really don't know. I'm one of the few that grew up in the ‘60s and never tried it. Just saw a comment where someone said it helps with their neuropathy, I'm all for that. Nothing seems to help me.” – B.T.
  • “If it helps and doesn't effect treatment, I'm all for it.” – R.B.
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