Anxiety About Scans and Other Cancer Tests
Anxiety over scans makes sense, but isn’t there more anxiety about other cancer tests, too?
Finding Cancer Cures at Any and All Costs
It was disconcerting to me when my oncologist was unsure about the treatment he was giving me and knew what the next would be without giving the first a chance.
My Oncologist Says I've 'Graduated' from Cancer
After five years of being cancer-free, my oncologist said I'm graduated and can live my life freely.
Cancer Is Like a Garden
Undergoing cancer treatment is like pulling weeds — we hope we got the last of it and it does not return, but we can never be sure.
When the Oncologist Says, 'We Have to Talk'
When my doctor told me, "I want to talk to you about something," I suddenly felt worried — thankfully it was good news.
Learning to Love Myself During and After Colon Cancer
Before cancer, I started to lose myself, but cancer taught me that loving myself isn't selfish.
Street Clothes Make Me Feel Free from Cancer
When I wore my street clothes in the hospital instead of a gown, I felt more like a person than a patient with cancer.
When Will I Be Officially Cured?
Questions about cancer can often be confusing and frustrating.
Knowing the Signs of Metastatic Breast Cancer
Recurrence is common enough that all of us need to act on potential symptoms.
How I Deal With Scanxiety
When I have scanxiety, I try to reduce my anxiety by taking warm baths and writing.
Tips for Upgrading Your 'Healing Cave' During Cancer
Here are some tips to upgrade your healing cave during cancer, which can help improve one's headspace.
Cancer Replaced an Ugly Lie With a Beautiful Truth
Cancer is a terrible disease, but sometimes it offers an important perspective I wouldn't have had otherwise.
What I Do When My Doctors Don’t Listen
Here are four signs of your doctor not listening and four things I do when they don't listen to me.
The Cancer Community and the Princess of Wales
I couldn't help but pray for Kate Middleton and her recent diagnosis of cancer.
A Cancer Diagnosis is Not Always Straightforward
The Princess of Wales' diagnosis of cancer after a successful procedure is not unusual — it even happened to me.
My Time Walking Through Cancer
Throughout my life, taking walks helped a lot with easing anxiety, so walking helped me when I received two diagnoses of cancer.
Appreciating Life More Than a Career After Cancer
When life hands you cancer lemons, what flavored lemonade do you make?
The Scanxiety Wait During Cancer is the Hardest Part
The waiting in between scans heightens my scanxiety, even though I've had no evidence of disease for 2 1/2 years.
A Strange New World of Cancer Research Has a Cost
My genetic testing covered 648 gene variants. Of course, researchers only know the significance of a fraction of those variants.
My Food Choice Journey After Cancer
For 14 years, I've been dealing with small lymphocytic lymphoma, and want to maintain a healthier diet.
PICC or Port? An Inconvenient Cancer Convenience
For patients with cancer, having a PICC or port can be convenient, but I got it removed the moment I was allowed to.
Differing Perspectives on Cancer Treatments
I've learned that there are many differing perspectives when it comes to treatment for cancer, especially from patients to researchers.
Discombobulation Caused By Cancer
I recently heard a story about a patient's personality change because of cancer, and it reminded me of the hyperactive delirium I experienced.
Necessity Is the Mother of Invention as a Breast Cancer Survivor
When innovation meets creativity, you never know what might happen, notably as a breast cancer survivor!
How I Navigate the Lynch Syndrome Labyrinth
Although many hate drinking the prep for colonoscopies, I view it as a privilege.
Songs That Uplift During Cancer Recovery
Even though multiple myeloma had devastating effects on my collapsed lungs, singing has helped regain my sense of strength and resilience.
How I'm Giving Back After Having Cancer Twice
After having early-stage breast cancer and stage 3B lung cancer, I'm choosing to give back. Here's how.
Positive Self-Talk Helped Me Through Colon Cancer
When I first received my diagnosis of colon cancer, I felt so negative. So, I started positive self-talk and it's changed my outlook for the better.
Feeling Better During Cancer Treatment
When I told my friends I started feeling better during cancer treatment, they were all so confused.
Changing the Clocks: Making My Time Worthwhile With Cancer
A time to reflect on changes we can make while we still have time, despite having cancer.