
CURE’s myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) page is an extensive resource of cancer information featuring the latest MPN news, expert oncologist insights on the latest cancer treatments, oncology research, advocacy efforts, and medical data on myeloproliferative neoplasms.

Latest News

Illustration of MPN blood cancer.
5 Factors Linked to Greater Chance of Polycythemia Vera Progression

July 23rd 2024

Researchers identified five traits that may increase a person’s chance of experiencing polycythemia vera progression.

blood cells
Anemia Does Not Harm Jakafi’s Effectiveness in Myelofibrosis Treatment

June 19th 2024

man holding hands with a woman who is hooked up to an IV
I Am a ‘Cancer Patient Person’ Navigating an Ever-Changing New Normal

May 6th 2024

Image of blood cells moving together.
Pelabresib Combo Leads to Outcomes Linked to Better Survival in Myelofibrosis

April 16th 2024

Image of a sonogram and a positive pregnancy test on a wooden surface.
Lower Childbirth Rates Shown in Women With MPNs

April 3rd 2024

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