
Cancer Treatment & Survivorship Facts & Figures 2012-2013


At the 6th Biennial Cancer Survivorship Research Conference, the American Cancer Society released its first issue of Cancer Treatment & Survivorship Facts & Figures 2012 – 2013. For years the ACS has done a similar book of cancer facts and figures. But now we have our own, and it gives all the statistics we need about how many survivors there are in each state, the most common cancers and side effects that linger after treatment. It also explains the survivor care plan and why it's important, long term and late effects, and issues of caregivers. Survivorship programs and research of the ACS are also included.OK, it's not something you will want to take with you for beach reading this summer, but I read it from cover to cover because it's about me and has statistics I haven't seen anywhere else. You can either download a copy from the site above or get your own copy of the book by calling 1.800.227.2345.Thanks ACS

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