The healthcare reform debate: You speak, we listen


On the heels of the Supreme Court's decision to uphold the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), we asked you to tell us what you thought about the ruling and its meaning for people with cancer. And, you did.We were pleased to receive many thoughtful comments, both on our blogs and on Facebook.We've noticed a common theme in many of the responses: confusion. Without question, there are a lot of mixed messages out there, thanks primarily to television advertising and Internet chatter. Some of the misinformation can be attributed to politics as usual. It's no surprise that people will try to win support for their agenda by using scare tactics, half-truths or hyperbole.It seems like nearly everyone agrees that, prior to the PPACA, healthcare in America was in need of reform. Where we disagree is on how certain reforms were legislated, others were not, and the role of government in the process.At CURE, we're dedicated to providing a forum for discussion about and a nonpartisan assessment of the PPACA. In the coming weeks, we'll be hosting a Facebook discussion with legal and healthcare experts. Stay tuned for more details. We're also planning a series of guest blogs on the subject, and an in-depth feature to help explain the coming changes and what they mean to cancer patients, caregivers and survivors. Let us know if there's anything you want to ask or discuss in these forums.

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