
Lisa Haines


Rock Star Lung Cancer Supporter and Advocate

A lung cancer survivor describes a passionate advocate who has changed the world of many patients.

Cheryl Alston


My Cancer Diagnosis Led Me to Discover a Family I Didn’t Know I Had

After being diagnosed with stage 2 colorectal cancer, I discovered that I had two sisters — and a family predisposition to cancer.

Kellie Moore


An Oncology Nurse Who Is One of a Kind, Kind to Everyone

Among the extraordinary collection of givers are singular nurses who stand above the rest like a beacon guiding the profession toward its highest order. Anthony “Tony” Reynolds, RN, of ARH Cancer Center is one such nurse.

Marisol Del Sol


My Cancer ‘Surviving Strategies’

I was in disbelief when I was diagnosed with cancer, but then I turned my attention to crafting my surviving strategies.

Yaron Butterfield


Brain Cancer Interrupted My Life at the Peak of My Career

A long-term brain cancer survivor shares the story of his cancer journey and where it led his life.

Kimberly Holiday-Coleman


How Naming My Lifesaving Ostomy Helped Me Gain Confidence and Find Body Positivity

After being diagnosed with colorectal cancer, my ostomy — which I named Toodles — opened up a world of body positivity for me.



The Essence of Oncology Nursing

Jessica, a master of the art of nursing, bonds with patients who it can be hard to make connections with.



The Cancer Healer and Educator Patients Want by Their Side

Kelly believes she was called to oncology nursing — and as a physician who works closely with her, I can tell you that’s true.

Anne Dabbs, NCAN TN Chapter Leader, NET Patient


Four Tips for NETs Spring Cleaning

Physicians and psychologists tell us that a cluttered mind and a cluttered life can be detrimental for those living with a chronic illness. On a daily basis, Neuroendocrine Cancer takes up so much mental and physical space that life can quickly become overwhelming. Let’s do all we can to streamline those actions and thoughts which can distract us from a good quality of life.

Sunandana Chandra, MD, MS


Advice for Patients Living with Metastatic Uveal Melanoma

Sunandana Chandra, MD, MS, closes by sharing advice for patients with metastatic uveal melanoma.

Barbara Scott


Shining Through Cancer and Fear

Even after surgery and chemotherapy, I make sure to shine through cancer and any fear that stares at me.

Nick Power


Biomarker Testing Tool Empowers Patients With Lung Cancer

The Cancer Support Community's Biomarker Testing Tool can help identify which targeted therapy should be used for treatment in patients with lung cancer.

Karen Cohn


My Feeling of Scanxiety But Without the Scan

Having a check-up appointment without receiving any type of scan is good, but also scares me.

Neil Scott


The Powerful Storm Cancer Brings

Cancer's chaos can cause a storm full of unknowns.

Jeffrey Carlberg


My Wife, My Myeloma Hero

My wife, Michelle, has used this diagnosis as a pillar of strength, doing all she can for her young boys and me and leading the best life she can, while along the way committing to raise funds and awareness to help improve and extend the lives of patients with myeloma

Maureen Rovas


Hope in Strength

Deborah Pickworth, who is living with stage 4 lung cancer, was nominated for the Lung Cancer Heroes® award for her impact in supporting and advocating for others with the disease.

Paula Schneider


A Letter to Myself: You Were Made for This Breast Cancer Journey

Paula Schneider, president and CEO of Susan G. Komen®, writes to her younger self on the lessons and challenges she faced as a patient with breast cancer.

Karen O'Sullivan


The Oncology Nurse Who Helps Patients With Cancer Through Hurdles During Treatment

A patient with breast cancer details how her oncology nurse has helped her when experiencing side effects to the chemotherapy she’s receiving.

Jaymie Knox


A Path After Cancer Doesn't Have to Be Linear

I used to think that having lung cancer canceled all of my life's plans, but I realized I shouldn't give it that much power.

Dr. Christine Bestvina


Driving Lung Cancer Research With Compassion

Livia Szeto, B.S.N., RN, OCN, has "unparalleled" patient relationships and research skills, allowing her to provide excellent care.

Darlene Dobkowski, MA


Beverly Hills, 90210 Actress Shannen Doherty Dies From Breast Cancer

Actress Shannen Doherty has been open about her experience with breast cancer over the last few years as a way to help other people.

Francesca Perez


I Wish I Advocated More When Doctors Told Me I Didn’t Have Cancer

On multiple occasions, doctors told me not to worry, but I ended up being diagnosed with a rare cancer called leiomyosarcoma.

Mary A. Ohara


A Poem About Finding Purpose and Looking Ahead During Cancer

Learning that I had cancer — melanoma and renal cell carcinoma — made me feel like I lost something, but I keep looking ahead.

Bryan McIver, MD


Addressing Unmet Needs in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer

Before closing out their discussion on differentiated thyroid cancer, patients and health care professionals alike consider unmet needs in this space.



A Reliable Resource to Colleagues and Patients With Cancer

One morning after interdisciplinary team rounding, Mr. R asked Ashley to stay in his room. He had multiple questions about treatment options, and Ashley answered his questions in detail.

Steve Sendele


Rock Solid Care

A cancer survivor writes about the oncologist who helped him conquer the fears and anxieties of cancer treatments.

Hayley Virgil


Lynparza Plus Zytiga Boosts PFS, Response Rates in Metastatic Prostate Cancer

Lynparza, Zytiga and prednisone led to improved progression-free survival and response rates in patients with metastatic prostate cancer.