Cancer screening can do more harm than good
New painkiller approved for cancer patients
Food for your bones
Medicare, health care reform and happy birthday
The chronic cancer patient -- From someone who knows
When ordinary people do extraordinary things
Building up bones
Actress Farrah Fawcett dies of cancer at 62
Tips for managing the financial cost of caregiving
Tobacco industry, meet the FDA
Brad Pitt and siblings donate $1 million for pediatric cancer center in honor of mom
The global scar that is breast cancer
On the green, in the pink
A bone marrow-thon
Drug Assistance Programs
Various pharmaceutical companies, non-profit organizations, and institutions provide drug assistance programs for cancer patients.
Strike a pose at Yogapalooza
Senate gives FDA power over Big Tobacco
Finally, good news for triple negative breast cancer patients!
Kids kick cancer with martial arts and karate program
Got cancer? Blame it on Drew's cancer
Cancer Treatment Gets Personal
Recent cancer research has been able to allow doctors to know what treatments work in certain patients—and what treatment don’t.
Fundraiser this weekend to help a sick dog
PARP inhibitors create buzz at ASCO
Update from ASCO: Personalizing breast cancer treatment
Young, in love, and diagnosed
Testing for HER2 Overexpression in Breast Cancer
Testing for HER2 overexpression in breast cancer can affect treatment decisions.
Avastin Falls Short in Early-Stage Colon Cancer
Adding Avastin (bevacizumab) to standard chemotherapy after surgery failed to extend the time early-stage colon cancer patients were free of recurrence.
New Test Predicts Colon Cancer Recurrence
For the first time, a test can predict which patients with stage 2 colon cancer are more likely to have a recurrence.
Avastin Successful With Various Chemotherapies in Breast Cancer
Adding Avastin to standard therapy delays progression of advanced HER2-negative breast cancer in women without prior treatment.
Trial Confirms Benefit of Targeted Combination in Lung Cancer
A large phase III study examining whether the addition of Tarceva (erlotinib) to Avastin (bevacizumab) delayed progression of advanced non-small cell lung cancer reached its primary goal.