CURE’s myeloma page is a go-to resource for oncology news and updates in the world of myeloma Here, readers will find cancer articles, videos, podcasts, and more with expert insight into the latest treatments and research in myeloma.
January 14th 2025
Treatment with fixed-dose subcutaneous Sarclisa plus Pomalyst and dexamethasone was non-inferior to IV Sarclisa in relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma.
Elie Fahed, MD, provides an overview of what multiple myeloma is, and Beth walks us through her frustrating journey to initial diagnosis as an atypical patient.
Multiple Myeloma is Being Diagnosed More Often in Younger Patients, But The Reasons Why Are Unclear
March 14th 2022As more and more people in their 20s and 30s begin to receive diagnoses of multiple myeloma, a type of blood cancer, one expert stresses that continued research to improve survival in this patient population is critical.
Combination Maintenance Therapy After Stem Cell Transplant May Prolong Survival in Multiple Myeloma
March 9th 2022Maintenance therapy with Ninlaro and Revlimid in patients with recently diagnosed multiple myeloma who underwent a stem cell transplant may safely improve survival, although more research is needed especially in high-risk patients.
Long-Term Care of Myeloma May Not Be ‘One-Stop-Shop,’ Multidisciplinary Approach Can Help
March 3rd 2022As part of its Speaking Out video series, CURE spoke with Throwing Bones founder, Kenny Caps, about treating myeloma as a chronic disease and how the multidisciplinary approach to care can assist in challenges, like financial toxicity.
A Lower Dose of Xpovio May Help Patients With Myeloma Get the ‘Full Benefit of the Drug’
January 13th 2022Although patients with multiple myeloma may be concerned that a reduction in treatment dose may be less effective, an expert from The Tisch Cancer Institute stresses that it may be more beneficial.