Oncology Nurses Are Simply the Best for Patients with Cancer

Extraordinary Healer®Extraordinary Healer® Vol. 14
Volume 14

A patient with cancer describes how oncology nurses are simply the best for their patients.

You never forget your first day of chemotherapy. Mine was on April 27, 2015, a little more than a month after I discovered that ovarian cancer had invaded my very healthy 58-year-old body. I was so nervous knowing I was about to go through a five-hour process I only vaguely had an idea about thanks to TV and movies.

As I was led into a room where I was weighed and my vitals were taken, my anxiety was through the roof, but everyone was so nice and friendly. I waited a minute or two and in walked Marzanna Bendeth, RN, who said she was going to take care of me that day. She smiled at me, took my hand and said, “You look great and are going to beat this.” She explained exactly what was going to happen and how my treatment would work, putting me in a very relaxed, trusting state.

I had many wonderful nurses treat me throughout my 18 consecutive "Crappy Chemo Fridays," but if it wasn't for Marzanna’s knowledge, patience and ability to establish trust, I do not believe my experience would have been as good. I still to this day look forward to seeing and saying hello to all the fabulous nurses at St. Francis Hospital Oncology, but Marzanna Bendeth is the most healing and soothing nurse I've ever known.

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