Oncology Nurses Can Do It All

Extraordinary Healer®Extraordinary Healer® Vol. 14
Volume 14

Oncology nurses can do it all, and the way they help patients with cancer is invaluable.

I call her my Katie. She knew me almost instantly. Of course, she knew more about what was going to happen to me than I did. Thank God. I was so scared; I don’t think the term “anxious” comes close. Meeting her was a kind of kismet.

Kate Bearry, B.S.N., RN, OCN, was my first nurse, and I had to be in hospital for a month. She held my hand through it all, including while I got my picc line put in. That was horrid, but Katie knew I had to have it. Bone biopsies: There she was, trying to calm me. Chemo: Who knew I could go from fine to near death in a week? Katie helped me through every step, as did my husband — I have to mention him, as he was a rock.

I wish I could recognize my doctor, too, but this is about Katie. She had my back all the way, suggesting special things for my care that she thought might work better. Her rapport with Dr. Federico Sanchez was amazing to watch. He knew she is one of the best and trusted her judgement implicitly.

Katie explained so many things that I couldn’t understand at first, as I hadn’t been through anything like this before. I had to go back for more chemo about every six weeks. Let me tell you, my room was ready down to the temperature in it. She remembered everything I liked — amazing. She is a beautiful person inside and out.

There were many special nurses during my stay. Thank goodness for these giving, nurturing and loving nurses. But Katie outshined them in my eyes. We shared our personal stories like old friends. It was a truly amazing part of my life. And thanks to special people like Katie and Dr. Sanchez, I’m here to tell a small part of my story. My Katie has it all!

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