Breast Cancer


CURE’s breast cancer page is an extensive resource of cancer information featuring the latest breast cancer news, expert oncologist insights on the latest cancer treatments, oncology research, advocacy efforts, and medical data on breast cancer.

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Scalp Cooling for Chemo-Induced Hair Loss Doesn’t Hurt, Sessions Are Long
Scalp Cooling for Chemo-Induced Hair Loss Doesn’t Hurt, Sessions Are Long

July 26th 2024

Questions about whether scalp cooling is painful and how long sessions last were answered by an expert during an interview with CURE®.

Scalp Cooling May Help Chemo-Induced Hair Loss for Certain Cancers
Scalp Cooling May Help Chemo-Induced Hair Loss for Certain Cancers

July 25th 2024

cartoon image of blogger and breast cancer survivor, Bonnie Annis
Fake News Freak Out About My Cancer Hero

July 24th 2024

Image of a doctor speaking with a patient.
Answers to 10 Frequently Asked Questions About Metastatic Breast Cancer

July 23rd 2024

cartoon image of blogger and metastatic breast cancer survivor, martha carlson
Life With Metastatic Cancer: How Do You Do It?

July 22nd 2024

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